Well the time has come again for an update this blog are getting shorter because well one I have no energy to write adn two I am in a funk. I have been in and out of teh doctors more times then I would of wanted to, and honestly it stinks. I know that being pregnant is hard and trust em I am so greatful for being able to last as long as I am. So I guess it is time for teh updates. I have been gaining anywhere from 5 to 10 lbs of water weighta week, it comes and goes and always leaves me. That was the first sign I noctied of HBP. I noticed the swelling next one of my legs always looks so fat! It is kind of funny you can press down on teh leg and the fingers inductions stays. Next I started having bad headaches follower by dizzyness and spots. So to teh doctor I go I get there and yep protien in urin and yep bp was 145/109 justa little high, so they have me lay on left side till doctor comes and it was not down, we looking at my chart and seeing that my bp has been high for three weeks, he order me to bed rest I was able to go walking a little to help with the swelling So tomorrow tuesday I go in at 3:00 for a full three hour test! Yeah so excited lol! It will be a NST, ultarsound, amnio test, and bp montioring. If everything comes back all clear then more thne likly we will be havinga a baby sometimes this week, or as early as next week. It is all precautions as we have no NICU where I am deliveing at and the last thing they want is a premiee baby. All in all I am ok just tyring to keep my head up and think postive. i know I am not on alot and that ahs to do with trying to resta dn get stuff ready for teh baby. Know I am here thining of you all. I promise I will be abck soon, Amanda
Oh, sweetie! That is rough! I was on bedrest for 6 months with my 2nd. It isn't much fun, but we will keep you and the family in our prayers for a healthy, happy, term baby. Keep your chin up.
I am excited to get the call today to find out just when this new niece of mine will be in our arms!
Bed rest is hard, but the longer you can keep that baby cooking, the better. I had to the NICU route with my first for a day or so, and even that little time was rough.
Looking forward to hearing about your new little miracle! hang in there!
Oh wow, do you ever have a lot on your plate right now. Hang in there! I did a little bedrest, too, so I know a little bit about what that's like. Looking forward to hearing from you again soon!
I hope you have a safe and healthy delivery and that the rest of your pregnancy goes well hugs
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