Well yes for all you wondering that is a baby there! LOL I found out that I have a retroflexed uterus. Now your all are probley like me and are think huh! Well that means that : the fundus is pointing backwards. Anterior of uterus is convex. So what does this mean for me well one thing I will start to show earlier then most women! LOL Also I will have nice back pains the whole pregnancy! Yes yes I am so lucky! But have now found that out it makes so much more sense why I have shape pains in my back during my last pregnantcy and I now understand why! I also found out that because of it it sits more on the bladder! Thank you gentics! I laughed really hard and thought any more bad news you want to tell me. But wait theres more. With an retroflexed uterus if your having twins you may not find out till the 15 week! LOL joys of joys!
But honestly it was a great appointment! I was told that if I was craving fast food to go eat at Subway! Now I think it is funny because Leah just did an interview with Jarod from Subway! Woo hoo! So anyone who has not gone and tried there new Egg White Muffin Melt, we cna both go together and see what it is all about! So I am going to go and try it out soon! I love eggs so I am excited!
Now on to some more news I have made a commitment to NOT gain any weight at all this pregnancy! I know it can be done, but I WILL NEED TONS OF SUPPORT! I mean I am thinking of it this way. As I was told by my doctor women who are obses and pregnant can go through a whole pregnancy and not gain any weight, and come out loseing any where from 10 to 25 lbs! When I heard that I thought no way! But it is true! The reason being is that if you are eatting right, exersicing everyday, your baby will take its food from your fat you already have. And your stomoc will just expland to fit baby and not all that new fat and junk you gave it! Then when you deliever or in my case have a c-section you will lose all that extra water, baby weight, and placenta weight! How great is that! You are taking care of yourself and your baby all at the same time. I know it will not be easy and will be tough at times, but I also know I can do it with all the support and help I can get!
Ok I am done for this week, and I am so excited to find our who is the next two moms! Love you all! Amanda
Yeah!! That's so exciting! We're so happy for you guys. So when is your actual due date? Can't wait to meet this little niece or nephew. I know you can go without gaining weight. With Robby I only gained 3 pound. Now I'd lost a lot of weight at the beginning from morning sickness, but I just ate right and followed my diet plan. In addition to gaining very little weight, (and being 10lbs lighter than my prepreg weight after he was born) I had a much healthier pregnancy. I didn't have as much heartburn, or any swelling. Anyway, this is the longest comment ever. Just know that you can do it and use your little baby as motivation. It's easier as a mommy sometimes to do things for our kids, than for ourselves. So do it for Logan and this new little sweetheart you haven't met yet. :)
Oh congratulations! Hearing the baby's heartbeat is great. And the fact that you have maintained your weight is wonderful. Way to go!
Awwww -- I *loved* hearing my baby's heartbeat for the first time.
I have a funky uterus too and it cause bad back pains (from about the 9th week) till around week 18 or so. It was AWFUL!
Good luck with your goals of staying healthy during your pregnancy. Have you looked at Bodhi's blog? (her's is linked on the first page of this week's Mamavation Monday post link up)
She is about 30 weeks pregnant and has been working to keep her weight in check and eat healthy. Go visit her -- I know she'll be a great support for you.
Following In My Shoes
Twitter ID: Rachel_L
Congratulations! What a wonderful way to celebrate a baby! I can tell this will be one healthy kiddo too!
Oh....now you and Brigham can have little conversations about both of your little tapeworms!
oh what a cute peanut!! Great job not gaining!
Look at the squirmy tadpole! So precious. All right Amanda... just like the baby steps with the Mamavation campaign take your pregnancy one week at a time. I have been hyperaware of my pregnancy fitness since day 1. One week at a time, use that as your metric so you can have 30+ successes until baby gets here.
Also hit up my blog for my prenatal DVD suggestions, reviews, etc. and you and I are tight. Let me know if I can be an sort of resource for you, sounding board, support, etc.
Congratulations! and thanks for the education on retroflexed uterus ;) Have a happy healthy 9 months!
Wow, this is really happening, huh? That's a baby alright. I'm excited for you. Ah, geez...I had a bunch of back pain during my pregnancy but I have back problems, so I'm sure it was a bit different.
How has the exercise been with your nausea? Are you able to push through it? That was my thing, if I could get through 10 minutes the nausea would disappear for about 4 hours. Nice. XXOO
I am so excited for you! Sometimes I miss being pregnant.... but then my two kids remind me I am probually done lol
hey im passing through on the UBP check out my blog i'm now following yours!
What a sweet tiny bambino you have growing there! Good job keeping the focus on a strong healthy pregnancy for you and the little one (or, perhaps, little ONES?...guess you'll know for sure by week 15!)
Holly @ Making Over Me
I am so happy for you as you very well know. I love this photo of your little tadpole!I will be keeping you in my prayers!
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