So honestly how many of you every week thinking ok the pasta or the grilled chicken? Or maybe its do I take a nap today or do wii fit? Well I make these choices every week! I have noctied thou a trend of good choices on my part will lead to one or two BAD choices! Why is that?? I have been thinking a lot on that. I mean come on once your on a roll it always seems that you fall down. Think of it this way.... You are a runner who has trained for a long time for tha one race you want to win, the day comes and you are running your hardest when all of the sudden someone passes you, you try hard to pass them back, but guess what you can't make it! You end up coming in second. Now what would you do stop running? You would be surprised how many do, they stop doing what they love to do because of one race. Now we all know twitter and we all love that we can win things on it. You try so hard to win a contest, you ask your friends for your votes for them to help you out. You do all you can do when they day comes to see who has won! You wait for your name to be called when..... you do not hear your name, but someone elses! What do you do??? Do you quit, throw a fit, talk bad about the contest??? Well guess what so many people do! HOnestly why do we do that? Well I think the real reason is because we are not all in it to win it. Like last week for me, I had a hard week trying to eat right and exerise every day, but this week I took how crapy I felt and turned it around. I am not going to let one bad week rule my life. I WILL NOT LIVE MY LIFE ON ONE BAD AND WRONG CHOICE! Now I could go all church on you and say this: Think about it this way, God So loved the World that he gave his only begotten son. That whoso ever believe in him shall not parish but have every lasting life. Now does it say that God only loves those who believe in Christ?? Nope he loved us all so much that he gave his son to us. I honestly have known so many people who have asked DID GOD MAKE THE RIGHT CHOICE? Yes he did!
Now back to the bad choices you have made, there is still time to turn around and make good choices! If you ate something bad work harded the next time that choice comes up and eat something better. If you didn't win the race retry! Who knows you may come first next time. And finale if you did win that contest you wanted to, make it a goal to do better next time! Now I know all this sounds easier then what it can be, but guess what! By asking for help and more support from my family and friends I am now proud to say I have lost 3lbs by following my doctors orders to eat right, being healthy for the baby and I, and walking twice a day! Guess what guys I did not try to lose weight but it happened! Now yes this is safe for me and the baby! I have asked and my doctor and I are on the same page. So no getting mad at me for losing weight! LOL
But honestly guys make good choices, never give up and know that so many people out there are here to help you! Also know there is still time to ask for forgiveness if maybe you have done something wrong.
I know that by helping each others make good choices, I am not only helping them, but myself as well! Till next week! All my love, Amanda
P.S. Start making good choices now by eating
All Whites! Yummy I can't wait to get some to try! :)