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Monday, August 30, 2010

The Move

I wanted to write a quick post as I know you are all worried about me (right). I have been in the process of moving back into my moms and dads house. I always find it funny that everything that can go wrong does! Take how easy it should of been to sort through items to sale, keep, and put in storge. That should of been an easy thing right>>>> NOPE WRONG! I spent way to many days trying to find items, then it was time for the yardsale before I was even ready! BUt I am very greatful for my mom and dad who helped us with it! Next it has been so hard to find time to walk this past week, everytime I have tried someone and something wnet wrong. I have been sick for almost a week! I mean come on you honestly should be able to eat food when your pregnant right?? LOL No really we are almost all moved in and then I will be back to my normal 9as normal as it cna be living with parents) life. I miss you all so much, but I wanted you to know I was not dead! I promise pictures and more next week! Till then Amadna


Unknown said...

Rest up lady! Moving is hard work and I'm sure you burned tons of calories packing and unpacked. I shudder thinking about it. We will be here when you return, no worries.

Steph-Fit Mom in Training said...

Moving is never easy and I don' think it ever goes smoothly, no matter how prepared you are LOL! Have a good week. Hope you are settling in nicely and look forward to your updates :)

~Lori~ said...

I miss you but please rest up!!! Thinking of you!

Petsitter79 said...

glad to know everything is going well and hope that things go your way and you enjoy your new home

motivational present:



Joanna said...

What a busy week! That always happens to me when I have a no-fail plan too... LOL Get some relaxation in and don't push it too hard!

bookieboo said...

We miss you darling! Why are you moving in with your parents? I must have missed something. DM me! XXOO

Carrie said...

Glad that you are doing ok. Moving can be a nightmare. Keep your head heald high and take a deep breath, you can get through this

Angela said...

I'm so glad you checked in sweetie. It's good to hear that you're getting along. Good luck with everything. Don't be too much of a stranger.

gretablau said...

Hang in there, mama!!

LissaL said...

Sending you big hugs. Hope all gets better soon.

Pamela M. Kramer - A Renaissance Woman said...

Hang in there! You know we are here for you. In time.

StephaE said...

I hope you are feeling better this week! Moving is really hard...and stressful! I realllly hope things get easier! :)

Ivette said...

Sorry this week has been challenging! Thinking of you and hope you get back to "normal" soon. :)