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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Not planned!

After a week of being sick, and still not getting better I wonder what was wrong with me? So I just keep pushing the veggies and fruits! I finnaly was feeling better which was so nice when I noticed my tummy not feeling so great. I pushed it aside thinking it was nothing. Well I went to the health department to get my lady pills refilled and a pap. When I got there they alwasy asked you those funny questions that you just want to laugh at. NO my husband has never slept with a man who has taken drugs. Who comes up with these questions! Then they ask when was your last period I was thinking and honestly does anyone really remember that one! So I went to the room, and got all ready when they asked me if I would mine taking a pregnacy test. I kind of luaghed and say yes no problem. As I was waiting for the nurse to come back in, I just thought to myself there is no way I could be pregnant right? Well the nurse came in and said you will not be needing that pap and pills today. I looked at her funny, and she said "the line may be faint but its there. Your pregnant." I just started crying! I mean big time no stopping me crying! She looked at me and said come one lets go talk in my office. I took my time walking there and thought a baby in me no way this was not planned. I am just now getting healthy and losing weight. WHY NOW!!!! Then a feeling a peace came over me, and I knew that it would be ok. I walked into the office and found out I was almost six weeks pregnant and didn't even know! Heavenly Father works in ways we will never understand and I know that. As I drove home I was overwelmed with so many emotions, will I be able to handle both kids? Then I took a deep breath and I knew that it would be all ok! I will keep eatting healthy, drinking my water, and exersing everyday. I will do what I need to be healthy durning this whole pregnacy. I will keep walking everyday, I will make sure that I am playing with Logan and be his mother. These are the things that I will do, and keep doing the whole time with this baby. I am so excited for this baby, and I know that things will be hard, but Stephen, Logan, and I will be ok. We will welcome this baby into our home and hearts. I know that Logan will be a wonderful big brother, he loves his cousin Allie and I see that love in his eyes. I know that Stephen will get to school sometime and that when he does it will be hard, but we will get through it! I know that Stephen will make a great father again, for he already is to Logan, and I am so happy to be married for eternty to him. I know that i will have had days, and there will be times that I may not want to do things, but it will be ok. I know that I will be a great mother to this child, for I see the love that Logan has for me. These are the things that I know and I am so greatful to be given this chance to have this baby.


Heidi said...

First, congratulations, girl! I was very shocked and surprised when my 5th came along. Once that wears off you'll embrace it. God does bless us when we least expect it! You can still maintain your healty habits through your pregnancy!

Triny Kay said...

congrats!! i agree that Heavenly Father works in his own way. Brenna wasn't planned but i am so grateful we have her in our lives!!! just keep up your healthyhabits and all will go well. i have a friend that had gained a lot of weight with her first 2 pregnancies cuz she was on bed rest. with her third she kept up the exercise, walking, and whatnot and she actually lost weight during her pregnancy. her doctor was fine with it since she gained the inces and size she needed for the baby. plus it amde it easier for her to lose the baby weight after. good luck!!!!

Trish said...

Woot congratulations Momma!! I am so very happy for you! xoxo

bookieboo said...

You are going to be just fine. And if you exercise during pregnancy, your baby is less likely to have allergies/asthma and more likely have a higher IQ. Yes, fact.

Check out the Borg system of exertion. It's a subjective way to interpret your exercise as a pregnant woman. Basically you rate your intensity level from a 1-10, where 1 being you are sitting on your ass and doing nothing and 10 being you can't do this action for more than 15 seconds or you are going to drop. As a pregnant person, you want to stay in between a 5-8 when pregnant.

Listen to your body. If something feels uncomfortable don't do it. But don't confuse that with hard. Hard is okay...and it's okay to challenge yourself when pregnant. Don't let people freak you out about that. Just do what you are doing right now. You can keep up anything. I was doing Tae Bo classes with Billy Blanks & Boot camps in the morning with other NON-pregnant girls. I ran, jumped, hiked...did it all. And my baby was born in 6 hours and was VERY healthy. (And this child has NO sensory issues like my first one...so I believe it is VERY important for a mom to exercise while pregnant.)

I'm so happy you are pregnant. You are going to be okay. It's challenging with two, but you make it work just like you did with the first. People around the world do it all the time. XXOO

kia said...

Congratulations! Be steady in what you have been doing... moderation, exercise, water, good food, love, compassion, etc. Keep up the walking!!

Tina said...

omg, omg...congratulations.
wow.. what a shocker, huh?

you are right, just keep it up now.
just imagine if you had gotten pregnant without starting to make the changes, it would be twice as hard.

all i have to say is.....
"kia kia kia"

Amy said...

First of all, Congratulations!! You have already started to get healthy. Now you have another reason to keep it up! Have a wonderful week!

Angela said...

Congratulations! And you are right, no reason to stop living a healthy life. You keep on it and you'll do great. Keep us posted!!

Lisa Samples said...

Oh, how cool - another Mamavation Prego Mom! Kia has been doing great and I know you will too. Congratulations!

Jessica said...

Congratulations!! I know you know it, but it will all be fine! You are a wonderful happy person! Keep up your exercise and eating right-- you have already given this baby an excellent start at life! :)

Unknown said...

I said it on Twitter, but I'll say it again - congratulations! What a marvelous blessing! Just keep up with your good habits and you'll have a healthy pregnancy, a healthy baby, and be able to jump back into getting fit and losing weight after the baby is born.